This book is dedicated to the memory of the late
Prof. Pierre Robert
an ICT innovator, colleague and true friend
Pierre Robert was born in Liege, Belgium. After getting his B.S. in Geography and B.S. in Sciences for Developing Nations at the University of Liege, Belgium, he started his career as FAO  expert Hydrology and Soil Conservation in Rabat,  Morocco. Then, he  moved to the USA where he received his PhD in Soil Sciences at the University of Minnesota in 1982. Pierre developed his vision for Precision Agriculture as an outgrowth of his PhD dissertation, and founded the University of Minnesota Precision Agriculture Center in 1995. Among the numerous honors and awards he was granted, the most recent and one of the most prestigious was the title of Fellow: Soil Science Society of America, received just one month before his untimely accidental  death on December 12, 2003.


Table of Contents

Introduction - Computers and Farming: Vision and Reality? - A. Offer (PDF)

Is  ICT Adoption for Agriculture Still an Important Issue? - E. Gelb, C. Parker (PDF)

IT Applications in Agriculture: Some Developments and Perspectives – F. Kuhlmann (PDF)

ICT Adoption as an Agricultural Information Dissemination tool – an historical perspective - M. Harkin (PDF)

Management Information Systems - S. Harsh (PDF)
ICT in Precision Agriculture – Diffusion of technology - S. Fountas, S. Blackmore. S. M. Pedersen (PDF)

ICT in Water Supply and Irrigation Management - M. Sne (PDF)

ICT in the Dairy Farming System - - A. Berman (PDF)

Measuring the Benefit from a Computer in the Milking Parlor – E. Gelb, Y. Kislev, H. Voet (PDF)

Fruit Tree Models: Scope and Limitations - E. Goldschmidt, A. Lakso (PDF), addendum - A. Lakso (PDF)

Tell Me, Crop, How Are You? – J. R. Lambert (PDF)

AGRIS 1968-1994: Insights and Lessons - A personal memoir – A. I. Lebowitz (PDF)

How Can Agricultural Extension Best Harness ICTs to Improve Rural Livelihood in
Developing Countries - D. Richardson (PDF)

Evaluating Internet for Extension in Agriculture – G. Bonati, E. Gelb (PDF)

What Influences Farmers' Computer Use - R.K. Iddings, J. Apps. (PDF)

ICT Adoption in Horticulture: A comparison to the EFITA Base line – N. Taragola, E. Gelb (PDF)

FARMSOFT – A 1997 Agricultural Software Review Perspective – E. Gelb, G. Bonati, J.L. Carel, J.J. Claustriaux, P. Jurgens, S. Lehnert,
P. Pasher, J. Kamp, A.M. Murao, V.Wahl, J. Nicol, J.A. Nunez, Butragueno, F. Costa, G. Spoiden, M. Raschas (PDF)

ICT Spillovers in Rural Areas (An ICT Adoption review) – E. Gelb, D. Getz, G. Obermann (PDF)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Adoption as a Tool for Agricultural Research Coordination and
Information Dissemination - A. Maoz (PDF)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Contribution to Broiler Breeding - Y. Eitan (PDF)

Management of Publicly Funded Agricultural Research - E. Gelb, D. Levanon (PDF)

NOA - A Management Information System for the National Dairy and Beef Herds - E. Ezra (PDF)

EFITA ICT Adoption Questionnaire (PDF)

The Need and Design of Computerized Farm Management Tools - Lessons Learned from a Swedish
Case - B. Ohlmer. (PDF)

The Village Knowledge Centers of Pondicherry (An Indian ICT Adoption case study) - Julian Swindell (PDF)

ICT Adoption Trends in Agriculture: A Summary of the EFITA ICT Adoption Questionnaires (1999 - 2009) - E. Gelb and H. Voet (PDF)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Agricultural Extension - An Overtime Israeli Perspective - E. Gelb, B. Gal, D. Wolfson (PDF)

Technological Innovation Adoption - Constraint Commonalities - Summary of the 2009 EFITA/JIAC plenary session - E. Gelb, A. Auernhammer, P. Wagner, S. Blackmore (PDF)

The EFITA ICT Adoption Questionnaire - 1999-2011 Priority Indicators for the Future - E. Gelb (PDF)

Author e-mail contact (PDF).

Web master & Technical editing: Ms N. Sadeh, Dept. of Agr. Econ. Research, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University..

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