Professor Mahrer passed away in September, 2017.
1967 - B.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
1969 - M.Sc. in Meteorology from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
1973 - Ph.D. in Meteorology from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Mesoscale Meteorology, Agriculture Meteorology, Greenhouse Microclimate, Meteorological Modeling, Climate Change, and Air Pollution Meteorology. My research interests include atmospheric dynamics with an emphasis on the interaction of land surface and ocean processes with the atmosphere, and atmospheric dispersion. While my emphasis is on mesoscale weather and climate processes, my investigations include global, regional, and microscale studies. The practical implications of the research relate to questions of air quality problems, wind energy siting, irrigation scheduling, soil solarization, and greenhouse optimal management.
This file last modified 10/01/17