Submission of Samples for Analysis by ICP

Before submitting samples for analysis by ICP, please download the Sample Submission form as a pdf file or a Microsoft-Word file and fill it out. Bring over the samples and the form to our offices for registration. The following instructions may help you with the form.

  1. Sample Description.  Please define and describe your sample (source, type of material, chemical formula, major components etc).

    Different preparation procedures apply to different sample types. Please describe and define your samples with as much detail as possible. Try to classify the samples as water (tap water, waste water etc.) , sludge, soil, mineral, inorganic or organic chemical, oils, plant or animal tissue (flesh, bone, blood, serum, purified protein etc.), foodstuff or drinks (meat, milk, juice, cola, alcoholic beverage etc.).

  2. Sample- preparation.  Please describe your method of choice for preparing the sample for analysis by ICP .

    Indicate here if you want your samples prepared using an established procedure ( e.g. a standard EPA method). Include information about the sample solubility in nitric acid and other strong mineral acids, or in alternative solvents such as ammonium hydroxide or mineral oil. Please let us know if the sample is incompatible with strong acids or other chemicals.

    If the information is not available, we will try to put together a digestion procedure, based on our experience and the information supplied under "Sample Description" .

  3. Sample analysis:   Please mark the elements to be analyzed.

    An ICP spectrometer equipped with CCD detectors can monitor simultaneously most of the elements in the periodic table. However, the longer the list of elements the longer the time required for calibration, so you should limit the list to elements you really need.

    In routine work we have a program for measuring a "full list" which consists of the following 30 most commonly monitored elements: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, Zn. Additional elements that can be added to this list upon request include Be, Bi, Cl, Br, I, Tl and W.

    Analysis for noble metals such as Au, Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ru requires separate preparation and calibration procedures. Other elements such as Rb, Cs, La, Eu etc. also require special methods. The addition of an element which is not included in the "full list" should be discussed first with Vasiliy.

  4. Sample Table

    Please mark sample vials clearly with numbers (1,2,3...), and fill out the sample table accordingly, linking the names of your samples with these numbers. This is required in order to eliminate errors caused by obscure sample labels. The numbers will be used to identify the samples all the way from registration to the final report.

  5. Other information and special instructions.

    We will appreciate any additional information that you can provide about the samples. Safety issues are very important and should be mentioned here.

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