Prof. Benny Chefetz

71018: Fundamentals of Soil Science

Instructor: Prof. Benny Chefetz

Course Level: undergraduate
Course Description: Soil as a dynamic system. Soil-plant relationship. Processes and states of compounds, elements and nutrients in the soil. Organic matter in soils. Soil carbonates. The soil as a colloidal system; the soil as a porous system. Soil-water relationship. Flow of water - laboratory and field. Soil aeration. Soil and environmental quality. URL:

71609: Environmental Chemistry

Instructor: Prof. Benny Chefetz

Course Level: undergraduate
Course Description: The course describes fundamental chemical processes in the environment (soil, water and air) including precipitation and dissolution, chelation, redox reactions, hydrolysis, and sorption. A major part of the course involves studying the chemical structures, important chemical reactions and fate of various pollutants such as PAHs, PCBs and pesticides. URL:

71106: Physical Methods of Chemical Analysis

Instructor: Prof. Benny Chefetz

Course Level: graduate
Course Description: The course covers the basic and principal aspects of advanced physical methods for chemical analyses. Covers the following techniques: atomic adsorption (AA) spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS) and chromatography. Participants will learn by lectures and hands on practice in the laboratory. URL:

71185: Environmental Behavior of Organic Pollutants

Instructor: Prof. Benny Chefetz

Course Level: graduate
Course Description: Major processes that affect the behavior of organic pollutants in the environment. Phase transfers (volatilization, solubility, sorption) and chemical transformation such as hydrolysis, redox and photolysis. Student will collect polluted soil or sediment samples, extract and analyze them for the content of organic pollutants. URL:

This file last modified 11/17/09